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Category: BasicPro

  • BasicPro’s Automated Bruise and Bruise-Free Counts

    At BasicSoft, we understand the importance of accurately assessing the quality of your potatoes. That’s why our BasicPro system features advanced automated bruise and bruise-free count technology, designed to streamline your potato processing line and provide you with precise data. How It Works Our automated bruise and bruise-free count system utilizes state-of-the-art technology to analyze…

  • Automated Potato Processing – Save Time and Manpower

    Automated Potato Processing – Save Time and Manpower

    BasicPro is our state-of-the-art automated potato processing system. With years of experience in the potato industry and partnerships with some of the largest names in the business, we’ve developed a solution that revolutionizes the way you process potatoes. Streamlined Automated Potato Processing BasicPro features scale and conveyor automation, eliminating the need for manual labor in…