automated potato processing cover image

BasicPro is our state-of-the-art automated potato processing system.

With years of experience in the potato industry and partnerships with some of the largest names in the business, we’ve developed a solution that revolutionizes the way you process potatoes.

Streamlined Automated Potato Processing

BasicPro features scale and conveyor automation, eliminating the need for manual labor in your potato processing line. Our intuitive, user-friendly interface requires minimal training, allowing your team to quickly adapt to the new system and start reaping the benefits of automation.

Advanced Measurement Capabilities

Our system offers precise measurements for various potato characteristics, including:

With BasicPro, you can trust that your potatoes are being accurately assessed and graded.

Trusted Industry Backing

BasicPro is backed by the USDA and Weights and Measures, ensuring that our system meets the highest standards in the agriculture industry.

Backed ByWhat It Means
USDAYou’re getting the seal of approval from the big guys in agriculture.
Weights and MeasuresNo more guessing games – your measurements will be spot on!

Efficiency and Cost Savings

By implementing BasicPro, you’ll experience significant time, money, and manpower savings. Our efficient automated system optimizes your potato processing line, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business.

Grading and Certification Made Simple

BasicPro offers both official and unofficial grading options, along with custom certificates and an automated certificate system. Our goal is to simplify the grading and certification process, providing you with the documentation you need quickly and easily.

Guaranteed Performance and Support

We stand behind the performance and reliability of BasicPro, and our dedicated support team is available to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.

Choose BasicPro, our automated potato processing solution, for your potato processing needs and experience the difference our automation technology can make for your business.